Die F/W 17/18 Kollektion mit dem Titel „WHATEVER“ ist inspiriert von den 80ern und der Antimoderne, eine Art dunkle Renaissance. Grenzen werden nachhaltig eingerissen und die erlangte Freiheit bahnt den Weg für neue Formexperimente. Die Silhouetten sind aufgebläht bis aufgelöst und nehmen abstrakte Umrisse an. Härte trifft auf zarte Schönheit. Intakte Looks werden in ausgewogenen Tube-Styles gezeigt, die flexible und raffinierte Outfit-Optionen bieten. Trotz voranschreitender Innovation stechen bei den rund 36 Looks weniger die Materialien selbst als ihre Komposition heraus. Hierbei geht es nicht um Patchwork, sondern darum, durch Kürzen und Formen neue Konzepte zu schaffen. Ruhige Einfarbigkeit lässt Raum für Mischfarben, gefolgt von angenehm warmen und neutralen Tönen. Tiefdunkles Schwarz und satte Zwischenfarben wirken intensiv und ultra-matt und scheinen mit Metallic-Patina. Zwischen ausgeflipptem Pastell und grellen Tönen tummeln sich Prints mit stilbrechendem Materialmix. Neben Kieselgrau, Torfbraun, und Kohlenschwarz reihen sich Bimssteinbeige, Aschweiß und Pergamentweiß.
Zu den prominenten Gästen zählten u.a. Katrin Wrobel, Maren Gilzer, Isabell Horn, Elena Carrière, Anuthida Ploypetch, Kim Hnizdo, Taynara Wolf, Julian F.M. Stöckel, Simone Voss, Langston Uibel, Rolf Scheider sowie Alexandra Polzin.
Rebekka Ruetz wurde 1984 in Österreich geboren und schloss 2008 ihre Ausbildung als Best-Graduate an der AMD München ab. Erfahrung sammelte sie bei einem Studiensemester in Indien und bei PETER PILOTTO und gründete 2009 ihr gleichnamiges Modelabel. rebekka ruétz steht für eigenwillige und extravagante Kreationen und ist bekannt für einen spannenden Materialmix. Mit ihren Kollektionen entwirft die Designerin Mode für die moderne Amazone. 2008 wurde sie mit dem Cognos Relevance Award ausgezeichnet und 2013 gewann sie den Best Newcomer Award presented by STEFFL.
attends the Rebekka Ruetz show during the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Berlin A/W 2017 at Kaufhaus Jandorf on January 18, 2017 in Berlin, Germany.attends the Rebekka Ruetz show during the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Berlin A/W 2017 at Kaufhaus Jandorf on January 18, 2017 in Berlin, Germany.attends the Rebekka Ruetz show during the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Berlin A/W 2017 at Kaufhaus Jandorf on January 18, 2017 in Berlin, Germany.attends the Rebekka Ruetz show during the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Berlin A/W 2017 at Kaufhaus Jandorf on January 18, 2017 in Berlin, Germany.BERLIN, GERMANY – JANUARY 18: Caro Einhoff and Leslie Huhn attends the Rebekka Ruetz show during the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Berlin A/W 2017 at Kaufhaus Jandorf on January 18, 2017 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Thomas Niedermueller/Getty Images for Rebekka Ruetz) *** Local Caption *** Caro Einhoff;Leslie Huhnattends the Rebekka Ruetz show during the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Berlin A/W 2017 at Kaufhaus Jandorf on January 18, 2017 in Berlin, Germany.attends the Rebekka Ruetz show during the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Berlin A/W 2017 at Kaufhaus Jandorf on January 18, 2017 in Berlin, Germany.attends the Rebekka Ruetz show during the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Berlin A/W 2017 at Kaufhaus Jandorf on January 18, 2017 in Berlin, Germany.attends the Rebekka Ruetz show during the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Berlin A/W 2017 at Kaufhaus Jandorf on January 18, 2017 in Berlin, Germany.attends the Rebekka Ruetz show during the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Berlin A/W 2017 at Kaufhaus Jandorf on January 18, 2017 in Berlin, Germany.attends the Rebekka Ruetz show during the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Berlin A/W 2017 at Kaufhaus Jandorf on January 18, 2017 in Berlin, Germany.BERLIN, GERMANY – JANUARY 18: Alexandra Polzin attends the Rebekka Ruetz show during the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Berlin A/W 2017 at Kaufhaus Jandorf on January 18, 2017 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Thomas Niedermueller/Getty Images for Rebekka Ruetz) *** Local Caption *** Alexandra PolzinBERLIN, GERMANY – JANUARY 18: Anna Hiltrop attends the Rebekka Ruetz show during the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Berlin A/W 2017 at Kaufhaus Jandorf on January 18, 2017 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Thomas Niedermueller/Getty Images for Rebekka Ruetz) *** Local Caption *** Anna Hiltropattends the Rebekka Ruetz show during the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Berlin A/W 2017 at Kaufhaus Jandorf on January 18, 2017 in Berlin, Germany.attends the Rebekka Ruetz show during the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Berlin A/W 2017 at Kaufhaus Jandorf on January 18, 2017 in Berlin, Germany.BERLIN, GERMANY – JANUARY 18: Langston Uibel attends the Rebekka Ruetz show during the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Berlin A/W 2017 at Kaufhaus Jandorf on January 18, 2017 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Thomas Niedermueller/Getty Images for Rebekka Ruetz) *** Local Caption *** Langston UibelBERLIN, GERMANY – JANUARY 18: Kim Hnizdo attends the Rebekka Ruetz show during the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Berlin A/W 2017 at Kaufhaus Jandorf on January 18, 2017 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Thomas Niedermueller/Getty Images for Rebekka Ruetz) *** Local Caption *** Kim HnizdoBERLIN, GERMANY – JANUARY 18: Katrin Wrobel attends the Rebekka Ruetz show during the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Berlin A/W 2017 at Kaufhaus Jandorf on January 18, 2017 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Thomas Niedermueller/Getty Images for Rebekka Ruetz) *** Local Caption *** Katrin WrobelA model walks the runway at the Rebekka Ruetz show during the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Berlin A/W 2017 at Kaufhaus Jandorf on January 18, 2017 in Berlin, Germany.A model walks the runway at the Rebekka Ruetz show during the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Berlin A/W 2017 at Kaufhaus Jandorf on January 18, 2017 in Berlin, Germany.A model walks the runway at the Rebekka Ruetz show during the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Berlin A/W 2017 at Kaufhaus Jandorf on January 18, 2017 in Berlin, Germany.A model walks the runway at the Rebekka Ruetz show during the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Berlin A/W 2017 at Kaufhaus Jandorf on January 18, 2017 in Berlin, Germany.A model walks the runway at the Rebekka Ruetz show during the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Berlin A/W 2017 at Kaufhaus Jandorf on January 18, 2017 in Berlin, Germany.BERLIN, GERMANY – JANUARY 18: Alina Tatsiy walks the runway at the Rebekka Ruetz show during the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Berlin A/W 2017 at Kaufhaus Jandorf on January 18, 2017 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Peter Michael Dills/Getty Images for Rebekka Ruetz) *** Local Caption *** Alina TatsiyBERLIN, GERMANY – JANUARY 18: A model walks the runway at the Rebekka Ruetz show during the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Berlin A/W 2017 at Kaufhaus Jandorf on January 18, 2017 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Peter Michael Dills/Getty Images for Rebekka Ruetz)BERLIN, GERMANY – JANUARY 18: A model walks the runway at the Rebekka Ruetz show during the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Berlin A/W 2017 at Kaufhaus Jandorf on January 18, 2017 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Peter Michael Dills/Getty Images for Rebekka Ruetz)BERLIN, GERMANY – JANUARY 18: A model walks the runway at the Rebekka Ruetz show during the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Berlin A/W 2017 at Kaufhaus Jandorf on January 18, 2017 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Peter Michael Dills/Getty Images for Rebekka Ruetz)BERLIN, GERMANY – JANUARY 18: A model walks the runway at the Rebekka Ruetz show during the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Berlin A/W 2017 at Kaufhaus Jandorf on January 18, 2017 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Peter Michael Dills/Getty Images for Rebekka Ruetz)BERLIN, GERMANY – JANUARY 18: Helena Ershova walks the runway at the Rebekka Ruetz show during the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Berlin A/W 2017 at Kaufhaus Jandorf on January 18, 2017 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Peter Michael Dills/Getty Images for Rebekka Ruetz) *** Local Caption *** Helena ErshovaA model walks the runway at the Rebekka Ruetz show during the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Berlin A/W 2017 at Kaufhaus Jandorf on January 18, 2017 in Berlin, Germany.
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