Entertainment News, Fashion, News, REYRO in a Fashion World

REYRO in the world of Lauri Simpson!

_G6U6181-1_fwbA few women in the world have achived what she has achieved: Looking fresh and charming Lauri Simpson was with REYRO in a fashion world! She is fashion, culture, travel and lifestyle. The Miss Puerto Rico and Miss International 1987 has a lot to tell and to share. Going through her fascinating live, REYRO in a fashion world will bring you the interviw with this special personality that is beeing inspiration for many men and women… Sharing her philosophy of balance between body & soul: Lauri Simpson



REYRO, Lauri Simpson, Guillermo Barrionuevo, Ralf Eyertt

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Mister Colombia International 2012! Das ist Rey, Rey Rodriguez. Rey ist Mister Colombia International 2012 und hat auch am Mister International Wettbewerb in Bangkok teilgenommen, dem renommiertesten Schönheitswettbewerb für Männer. Rey hat Kommunikation studiert und bericht aktuell für das Fashion World Biz aus dem bereich Lifestyle, Mode und Prominenz.

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